
EOL3 is a highly visual encyclopedia. From any device you can view gorgeous pictures of the species indexed, including type specimens when available.

The importance of amazing pictures

Precise, high resolution pictures aren't only beautiful, they're useful as well. Researchers can use them as a reference to compare specimens and identify them. That's why we take great care of our picture library!

Curated pictures

Anyone can add pictures to EOL3, but each one is checked for quality and accuracy before being put online. This way, we ensure only top-notch pictures are added to EOL3, thus guarantying the highest possible quality for our users.

3D specimens

EOL3 features 3D specimens, obtained from hundreds of pictures assembled into one model that can be rotated in any dimension. This is a particularly neat tool for taxonomists who can look at every angle of a 3D specimen to look for specific anatomical features.

New pictures every day

New pictures are added to EOL3 everyday. Amateurs from around the world, museums and universities all put amazing pictures online that we can integrate into EOL3. It means that everyday, there's something new for you to see, and that everyday, EOL3 is getting more complete.